sábado, 27 de agosto de 2011

Taller I (Unidades 1 y 2)

The Diplomacy
Diplomacy is the art and practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of groups or states. It usually refers to international diplomacy, the conduct of international relations through the intercession of professional diplomats with regard to issues of peace-making, trade, war, economics, culture, environment and human rights. International treaties are usually negotiated by diplomats prior to endorsement by national politicians. In an informal or social sense, diplomacy is the employment of tact to gain strategic advantage or to find mutually acceptable solutions to a common challenge, one set of tools being the phrasing of statements in a non-confrontational or polite manner.
The process of diploma tics, dealing with the study of old documents, also owes its name to the above, but its present meaning is completely distinct from that of diplomacy.

The ability to practice diplomacy is one of the defining elements of a state, diplomacy has been practiced since the inception of civilization. In Europe, diplomacy begins with the first city-states formed in ancient Greece. Diplomats were sent only for specific negotiations, and would return immediately after their mission concluded. Diplomats were usually relatives of the ruling family or of very high rank in order to give them legitimacy when they sought to negotiate with the other state.

An ambassador is the highest ranking diplomat who represents a nation and is usually accredited to a foreign sovereign or government, or to an international organization.
Sometimes countries also appoint highly respected individuals as Ambassador at Large who are assigned specific responsibilities, and they work to advise and assist their governments in a given area. The word is also often used more liberally for persons who are known, without national appointment, to represent certain professions, activities and fields of endeavor.
In everyday usage it usually applies to the ranking government representative stationed in a foreign capital. The host country typically allows the ambassador control of specific territory called an embassy, whose territory, staff, and even vehicles are generally afforded diplomatic immunity in the host country.
The senior diplomatic officers among members of the Commonwealth of Nations are known as High Commissioners, who are the heads of High Commissions. Representatives of the Holy See are known as Papal or Apostolic Nuncios, while the head of a Libyan mission is a "Secretary of the Libyan People's Bureau".

  1. Identifica 3 palabras que no conoces. Búscalas en el diccionario, escribe su significado en español. Agrega las abreviaciones. Indicar que tipo de palabra es (contenido- función)

Issues :  (sust.) Asunto, cuestion. (de contenido)

Endorsement: (sust.) : endoso, aval, confirmación, respaldo, apoyo.(de contenido)
Foreign: (adj.) : Ajeno, foraneo, extranjero. (de contenido)

2.      Idea principal del texto

La Diplomacia es el arte de las negociaciones, la forma en que los estados llevan a cabo sus relaciones internacionales dentro de un ambiente de cordialidad, propiciando un ambiente donde se lleven a cabo acuerdos de diversas aéreas de interés común, como la paz, la economía, derechos humanos.
La actividad diplomática se lleva a cabo a través de un embajador, quien es el encargado de representar los intereses del Estado dentro del país acreditante.

3.       Categorías lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoría)

Palabras de Contenido: Ambassador, diplomacy.

Palabras de función: the, by.

Verbo : is, study.

Adverbio: typically, generally.

Adjetivo: old, high.

Articulo: the, an.

Preposiciones: by, from, after.

Conjunción: or, and.

Cognados verdaderos: diplomacy, individuals, social.

Cognados falsos: No hay

Sufijo: usually, mutually.

Prefijo: respected, in.


1.     Seleccione dos oraciones de un texto relacionado con su experticia. (Incluya referencia)

Diplomacy is the art and practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of groups or states.

Frase nominal:  Diplomacy

Núcleo de la frase nominal: Diplomacy

Pre modificadores: No aplica

Post modificadores: No aplica

Frase verbal: is the art and practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of groups or states.

Núcleo de la frase verbal: is

Tiempo verbal: Presente, activo

In everyday usage the ambassador usually applies to the ranking government representative stationed in a foreign capital.

Frase nominal:  In everyday usage the ambassador usually

Núcleo de la frase nominal: the ambassador

Pre modificadores: In everyday usage

Post modificadores: usually

Frase verbal: applies to the ranking government representative stationed in a foreign capital

Núcleo de la frase verbal: applies

Tiempo verbal: Presente simple

2.     Señales algunos referentes presentes en su texto

The process of diploma tics, dealing with the study of old documents, also owes its name to the above, but its present meaning is completely distinct from that of diplomacy.
Diplomats were sent only for specific negotiations, and would return immediately after their mission concluded. Diplomats were usually relatives of the ruling family or of very high rank in order to give them legitimacy when they sought to negotiate with the other state.
Sometimes countries also appoint highly respected individuals as Ambassador at Large who are assigned specific responsibilities, and they work to advise and assist their governments in a given area. The word is also often used more liberally for persons who are known, without national appointment, to represent certain professions, activities and fields of endeavor.

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